Monday, April 23, 2012

Federal Reserve Bank TourStaten Island Ferry/coney Island

Is this tour worth going on?......if so any good breakfast places near there. We would be coming from 7th and 57th. ALSO, we are there 5 days but 3 of them are 1/2 days, 1 is occupied from noon-2:00 pm and the 1 day left is completely free till 7pm dinner. I have never done the Staten Island Ferry and would like to do Coney Island before it is not there. Would like to use my time geographically well. A plan but a loose plan, dont want to be rushing or tired. Any suggestions? Last year I walked across Brooklyn Bridge but I wish I had checked out Brooklyn more but did not know where to go. Thanks for any tips

Federal Reserve Bank TourStaten Island Ferry/coney Island

';Is this tour worth going on?.';

What tour? I don%26#39;t know of any tour that would cover those particular stops. Or are you asking for directions on how to do this yourself? Coney Island is a long trip on the subway.

Your post is too confusing. Could you restate what you want?

Federal Reserve Bank TourStaten Island Ferry/coney Island

I like the Fed tour, but eveeryone doesn%26#39;t have the same tastes. Only you would know if this would interest you or bore you; no one can answer that for you. You will probably find a good breakfast place more easily near your hotel than you will in a business district, unless your idea of a good breakfast is a bagel and a cup of coffee, or maybe a scrambled egg on a roll, bought at a deli.

For exploring Brooklyn, you might consider starting with Brooklyn Heights, which is easily reached by subway, is featured in any number of guide books, and which has a nubmer of walking tours posted in websites found on the %26#39;net.

So sorry for being confusing.....I have done the museums;empire;ellis;conan;central park inside out;grand central;ground zero;brooklyn bridge walk........had on my list ';to do list'; Top of Rock;Staten Island Ferry;actually check out brooklyn;Coney Island; Yankee stadium;soho/chelsea;federal reserve bank and if I am ever there on a Sunday or Wed. Harlem gospel.

So, with 3 half days and one full till 7pm in Manhattan...........was giving myself a headache planning this out......this is my third year in a row coming at this time, so I know I can leave stuff till next time.

1) Please write your current itinerary (with month you%26#39;re coming so we know weather) and days of the week (ie Fri. Sat. Sun etc.)

for ex.

1 Fri. busy in midtown 2-5

2 Sat. free til 7 pm dinner


2) WHY do you want to go on the Staten Island ferry if you%26#39;ve already visited Ellis Island (and I assume the Statue of Liberty)?? Most people use the SI ferry as a way to see the SOL w/o spending time actually going there.

3) Do you know what besides Coney Island you want to see/do in Brooklyn? Are you interested in Prospect Park or the Brooklyn Museum? Are you more a hipster and interested in checking out Williamsburgh? Are you looking for shopping? Are you into pizza? How big a priority is Brooklyn? I ask b/c the obvious thing to do with your request is to spend your full day in Brooklyn visiting Coney Island and anything else you might like to see/do. There%26#39;s a Brooklyn pizza tour that stops in Coney Island and might be a way to get your Brooklyn ';fix'; but it obviously won%26#39;t work if you have specific things you want to do/see. Here%26#39;s the link on the tour

Here%26#39;s also some Brooklyn info from the FAQ

YO, WHAT ABOUT BROOKLYN? Fuhggedabouddit! Here%26#39;s a collection of posts about our ';Fourth Largest City in America';, where 1 out of 7 Americans can trace their ancestral roots.鈥?/a>

arrive Thurs. NOON april 3rd

Friday want to be at EXPO for noon (doing MORE maraton) - may do play via TKTS booth Fri. eve.

SAT - free till 7pm pasta dinner Tavern Green with gang

SUN - race 8 a.m. Central Park. Based on previous years.....back in room, showered etc by 1pm and starving.

Free till 7pm celebratory dinner gang wants to do at the Parea(sp?) greek.

Monday - free till 3:30 pm as flight is 6:30 pm.

No have no got to see in Brooklyn, just have read stuff about it and of course heard about Winchester area etc. Love hanging out/history/beer/pizza kind of person. So Coney island fit because of history and it is going to change soon. Like when I was in Venice favourite part of the area was walking the boardwalk, having icecream and I also enjoyed Santa Monica Pier area.......Not beverley hills/rodeo part like my daughter liked. Though I did like Hearst Castle. Thanks.

Thurs. if you have time after arrival head down to do Federal Reserve tour (1:30 or 2:30) and from there head to Staten Island ferry if you still want to do that. Info on tour

If you get in too late, go to Top of the Rock.

Fri morn. head to Chelsea for a poke around. Maybe have b/f at Chelsea Market and from there go to Expo since Javit%26#39;s Ctr. is not far from Chelsea.

Sat. seems the logical time for Brooklyn whether you book a tour or do on your own. Coney Island is as far as you can go, so I%26#39;d head there first if you do this on your own and then work your way back toward Manhattan (on the subway)

Sun. Go to BB King%26#39;s in Times Square for gospel brunch at 1:30鈥?/a>

then Top of the Rock

Mon. Soho

PS, there appear to be no tours at Yankee stadium during the whole time you%26#39;re here which means the Yankees are playing home games. That%26#39;s something to consider as an option. ;)

You are soooooooooo good, the gospel brunch sounds fantastic! I could not do a ballgame without my 11 yearold being there.....I am the history fan and he just discovered them as a team 2 year ago.

Re Coney and Brooklyn. Got what you said about working way back. Is there a tour that touches both? You mentioned something about pizza etc. in original question. This also depends on weather....dont want to check out Coney of course if pouring rain. Last two years of race was on last sunday in March and it was just sunny and 45 degrees most of time there.

Also, could I replace Fed. Reserve is Chrysler Building geographically..........I was so excited to see online the Waterlily Tea Room in Chelsea area, then when I went to site........its closed. I would have enjoyed that.

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