Wednesday, April 18, 2012

You don't Tip when Shopping Right ?

Arrived in NYC late last night

I bought a pizza, i tipped for that, i took a cab, tipped for that

You aren%26#39;t supposed to tip when just buying stuff in a grocery store or a shop are you ?

You don't Tip when Shopping Right ?

If I bought a slice of pizza at a counter, or picked up an entire pie at the counter, I would not tip for that. However, if you were seated at a table and ordered the pizza from a waiter, you should tip.

You tip a cab driver based on a percentage of teh fare before any tolls or surcharges.

You do not tip cashiers in stores (including pizza stores!!!), but if you have assistance carrying your groceries to your car, you should tip the person who does that.

You don't Tip when Shopping Right ?

thanks mate, that helps. So i won%26#39;t be tipping at Walmart either :)

But frankly you will find more and more places with a jar by the cash register that says ';TIPS'; on it. Most are involved in some kind of food sales, but don%26#39;t be surprised to see this practice grow!

No tipping at the grocery store unless you%26#39;re having something delivered. ;)

Tip jars at convenience stores - I totally ignore them.

You tip for service - not for having someone sell you a coffee at a take away counter!

So, in other words to answer you question about tipping in grocery stores NO!

Hi Peterpack,

Hope you are enjoying yourself. Yes, tipping a grocery store employee is usually not the norm with the exceptions noted above.

If you feel you have received truly exceptional service in the states in an establishment where tipping is not the norm, I would recc. sending a thank you note to the store or asking for a customer comment card to describe how this employee went above and beyond.


I truly despise tip jars. I feel they are there to take the ignorant for a ride.

Taxis, restaurants( for sit down waiter/waitress service, nail salon, massage, facial, bartender, hairdresser, person who carries your grocery bags to car ( not packs them), person who delivers your delivered take-out food, sky cap at airport ( if used) are about it. ( excluding the myriad of people you encounter in your hotel who may also be tip qualified)

Personally, I also do not tip the person in the theatre bathroom who hands me a paper towel either.

Let me know ( as I am sure you guys will :-), if I left anyone out.

If I%26#39;ve had great and friendly service at a coffee place or wherever, throwing a dollar (or even just my change) in the tip jar can brighten my mood. I can afford it, and I%26#39;m guessing they need the money more than I do. I don%26#39;t do it all the time, just when the mood strikes. If that%26#39;s ignorant, then so be it.

I do the is not ignorant, it is kind and the summer,my daughter works at a beach restaurant with pick up service--but she remembers people%26#39;s names and what they want from day to day(sometimes year to year)and they appreciate that and throw a buck or two in the tip jar which is split with all employees. ...just saying...

I also will tip sometimes at coffee counters, ice cream counters, sandwich counters. Basically if someone is taking the time to prepare something for me or the service is exceptional throwing a dollar in the jar is not going to break me. Most of the time its young people and I know they are making a measely minimum wage (I remember those days - its tough!) I don%26#39;t tip baggers at grocery stores because I used to work in a grocery in my college years and no one ever tipped. Oh, and if I buy a gift and the store person wraps it for me I tip them as well.

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