Friday, April 13, 2012

drinking age

hi travelling to newyork april to celebrate 21st birthdays of my daughter and her 2 best friends. they will have both turned 21 unfortunately my daughter not 21 till later in year so she will be only one in party under age. is it correct alcohol age limit over 21? what about drinking wine with meal in a restaurant? are young people often challenged in bars etc. dont want to condone under age drinking but dont want her to feel left out. any info thanks

drinking age

You have to be 21 to drink in the US and all the girls should expect to be asked for ID at some point - in fact some bars ID everyone regardless of how old they look, I was 40 when I visited Boston and was asked for ID twice. I%26#39;m afraid your daughter will not be able to drink legally.

drinking age

We%26#39;re 28, look about 28 as well, and we always get asked for ID in the USA when buying alcohol, so I%26#39;d be surprised if she can get a drink anywhere.

I still get asked for ID occassionally and I%26#39;m in my mid-30s. From what I have seen - young people are always challenged and asked for ID. Unfortunately, your daughter won%26#39;t be able to drink. Also, some bars/clubs are 21+, so she won%26#39;t even be let in. make sure everyone brings their IDs with them.

I think if you all go out to dine then there is much less chance of your daughter or her friends being asked for ID. We travelled with my son who turned 21 during the visit, his friend who was 21 and my daughter who was 25 but looks much younger and none of them were ever asked for ID when we were with them in a restaurant.

Of course, we may just have been lucky.

Bars will ask for ID. You will probably not have a problem if you buy a bottle of wine at a meal and it is served to everyone.

NYC10025 is probably correct; having said that, if you do get ';caught'; don%26#39;t argue, don%26#39;t say anything like ';it%26#39;s OK becuase _________ (we%26#39;re British, I gave it to her, she%26#39;ll be 21 in a few days, etc.)';.

Restaurants (and the individual server) stand to get in a lot of trouble if underage drinking occurs, so if they ask you to stop, smile, apologize and make it up to your young companions back at the hotel or back in the UK.

Not suggesting you%26#39;d be doing anything wrong, just saying the way things work here.

Am I having a case of deja vu or did we just have this whole conversation last month?鈥?/a>


Hrhweezie ..... *** I still get asked for ID occassionally and I%26#39;m in my mid-30s *** .... but hey I thought you recently told me not that you still get asked if you%26#39;re OVER 21 ..... but that you actually ARE only 21 ..... so what gives ?

The overwhelming majority of bars and clubs in the city won%26#39;t even let you in if you don%26#39;t have goverment issued ID that says you are 21 or older. Some places even require that you are 25 or older.

NYC10025 ..... I can just picture the conversation now .....

';Princess ..... do Mommy a big favor and finish your bottle of Cabernet sauvignon ..... and then you can have desert. You know there%26#39;s some thirsty kid in France that would just love to drink your red wine.';

Kids today ..... jeez ..... they sure are a hand full

Thanks everyone for your advice

Sorry if it inconvenienced you lotuspath

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