Wednesday, April 18, 2012

Anyone Seen Young Frankenstein lately??

Initial reviews sucked, but they got better later on. We%26#39;ve heard the buzz about the trio (Megan, Sutton and Andrea) carrying the show. Daughter is a huge Sutton fan and I%26#39;m a huge Andrea fan so I%26#39;m thinking we might give it a try. Anyone seen it recently? What did you think?

Anyone Seen Young Frankenstein lately??

We went the first week in January and enjoyed it very much. The scenery was amazing. Much of it was hilarious. The entire cast was wonderful.

I could see what one reviewer meant by ';shouting at you'; here and there, but if I hadn%26#39;t read that ahead of time I wouldn%26#39;t have thought of it myself.

Anyone Seen Young Frankenstein lately??

Hi Turner budd,

Friends saw it last week. They said it was good, not great.Also not nearly as good as the Producers, ITHO.

Surprisingly though they said that the theater was half empty. I%26#39;ve not heard that before from anyone. It makes me wonder if tickets will show up discounted anywhere?

I saw it just after opening, and was hugely disappointed. There%26#39;s a whole lotta talent on that stage, but the show is a clunker. IMHO, I don%26#39;t see how it could improve, unless someone rewrote the entire thing!

I saw it recently and although I can%26#39;t say it was great I did enjoy it and it made me laugh.

Brooks does not release his grosses for the show but it is not selling that well.

I saw the show in December, it was ok, but the cast is great. They are stuck with the material and unfortunately the material doesn%26#39;t allow anyone to really shine. The jokes are a big stale, Brooks really does go for the obvious joke every single time and doesn%26#39;t seem capable of editing himself. I bought the first row of the balcony and they were only about $70 so if you are looking for great seats at a much lower price, check to see if those are available.

I went on the 5th and 8th of Feb - both times with the ticket lottery. Went on the Tuesday then I was cold and tired in Times Square on the Friday and though I might as well try my luck again - jackpot!

I really enjoyed it both times and thought the cast were great. Maybe some of the jokes were a bit old but they%26#39;re based on a 70%26#39;s film after all. I hadn%26#39;t seen the film before I went so that may have played a part but I%26#39;d certainly recommend it.

Thanks all! Found great seats for $60.00 and that in itself should be a clue. However, my kids are huge fans of the movie and Sutton Foster so we%26#39;re gonna go for it. Thanks again.

Saw this yesterday. The girls do indeed carry the show. But the material is si poor. The first act is almost humourless and ends with a dreadful number. Second act pick up substantally although its still alot of style over substance plus the theatre is like an aircraft hanger, I was in orchestra row G and it felt miles from the stage. Such a shame after the glory of the Producers. My tip - go see Gypsy with Patti Lupone.

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